In search for an improved assistance, the Casa de Apoio à Criança com Câncer Durval Paiva works in articulated networks between the State, private initiatives and others Third Sector organizations, creating new solutions, corroborating with the execution of public policies to improve the quality of life for children, teenagers and their families. Considering this, in 2007, the Institution settled an important partnership with the Hospital de Pediatria of UFRN/HOSPED, to attend children and teenagers with cancer those who are assisted by the Institution.

From this union, the need arose to improve the conditions of care in the hospital unit, in order to offer a better quality of life to the child being treated and his companion, thus providing the hospital with the necessary equipment.

In order for the results in the cure against child and adolescent cancer to happen satisfactorily, the institution counts today as a great partnership of LIGA-Norte Rio-grandense against the Cancer (Reference Hospital), which has as important elements the production of knowledge, education and professional training, which differs from other health institutions in the State for developing studies and research, as well as acting actively in the training of new professionals, fundamental factors for the improvement of the services provided in oncology.

The Casa Durval Paiva fostered the construction of the LIGA pediatric oncology ward, improved the infrastructure with donation of cribs, beds, recliners, and bedside TVs, as well as the donation of a microscope. LIGA gave the institution a space where we have the Hospital Class, which seeks to organize strategies that enable the continuity of the schooling process with the purpose of opportunizing the development and construction of students' knowledge, even if they do not have the common means, such as in regular school. In 2001, the service was officially signed by the State Secretariat for Education and Culture of the RN through the Special Education Sub-coordinator and in 2010, with the implementation of the Center for Hospital Educational Care and Domicile of the RN, became the first partner institution to offer simultaneously the pedagogical service both hospital and domicile in the State.

The partnership with the State Department of Public Health and the Municipal Health Secretariat (SMS) of Natal is aimed at the development of the September Golden campaign and the training for the dissemination of the main signs and symptoms for early diagnosis of child and adolescent cancer given to network professionals, who converge on the mission of the House.

There is a growing number of people who see the importance of developing social responsibility actions aimed at contribute to create a more dignified and just society, especially for the less fortunate. What we can see is that there is a constant advance of actions that aim to stimulate focused practices to building a better and more solidary world.

The Casa de Apoio à Criança com Câncer Durval Paiva is supported by donations that maintain the structure of the House, by the projects in progress which supports the activities developed and by the partnerships signed with companies which has in its essence the social responsibility.

Be our partner and change the history of these children with your gesture of solidarity. Get to know our cause and make a difference by helping to save lives. We are counting on your support!

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